Sure...Let Terrorists Establish Peace
By: Rachel Marsden
NEW YORK — I’m not sure why I thought this week’s bipartisan Iraq Study Group
report might actually offer some constructive suggestions about speeding up the
stabilization of Iraq.
The term “study group” evokes the image of a bunch of guys sitting around at the
University of Starbucks between late night pizza binges, jockeying to out-nuance
each other and serving up various pie-in-the-sky theories.
After months of “studying,” their message is basically this: We really have no
great new ideas or suggestions for Iraq, except to put more power into the hands
of some Islamic nutcases.
Whoops, sounds like someone crammed.
While not advocating for an immediate exit, the panel wants American combat
troops out of the country by 2008. Now that they have a better idea of when the
infidels will be clearing out, I’m sure the jihadists in Iraq will be grateful
for the heads-up so they’ll be able to plan a little time with the relatives in
Europe, or maybe apply for one of those student-terrorist diversity placements
at Yale.
One of the study group’s members commented the “U.S. isn’t winning or losing
in Iraq,” thereby demonstrating a breathtaking level of nuance that could only
emanate from the over inflated windbag of a true academic — or from an orifice
belonging to Sen. John Kerry.
This same individual also commented that “all options are on the table,” as
though he’s talking about the buffet at his local Red Lobster, when I would
think his job was to recommend a few decent dishes.
Unfortunately, both of these brain droppings fell from the mouth of Bob Gates —
Bush’s new nominee for Defence Secretary. Not surprisingly, he seems to be one
of the few Republican appointees whom the liberal Democrats like.
The panel recommends that America place Mideast peace in the hands of Iran and
Syria — the same Syria that has been cited for severe human rights abuses and
provides cash and cover to terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas.
Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has apparently been busy banning
Iranians’ access to online YouTube videos featuring things like frat boys
lighting their farts on fire. That’s when he’s not focused on promoting his
upcoming conference focusing on whether the Holocaust really happened. (Might I
suggest extending an invite to every anti-American’s favourite author and
academic, Noam Chomsky, who was once quoted in Australia’s Quadrant Magazine as
saying, “I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas
chambers or even denial of the Holocaust.”)
But hey, whatever distracts Mahmoud from fiddling with those nukes.
So let me get this straight. These two clowns — whose countries represent two of
the biggest supporters of terrorism — are the great hope for winning the war on
terror? That’s the best a panel with a collective IQ supposedly above that of a
zucchini could come up with?
Send a ‘Chamberlain’
I have a better idea. It’s one that will likely achieve the same result, but
save a lot of time, money, and pretense: Why don’t we cast someone as America’s
Neville Chamberlain, and send him over to the Mideast to present Ahmadinejad
with a new “peace treaty” like the UK did with Hitler back in happier times? He
can declare peace on Earth upon arrival, call it a day, and get home in time for
Monday Night Football.
If this report really is the grand plan that emerges as a result of supposedly
intelligent adults “studying,” then maybe it should be left to the kids.