America Needs To Exploit Social Unrest Abroad For Economic Opportunity
By: Rachel Marsden
It may be callous to ask what economic opportunities exist for America in the
wake of all the social unrest and overthrowing of various autocratic governments
in the Arab world, but it’s something that needs to be considered. Not too long
ago, America led the charge to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, and
anti-war leftists were able to gain traction by complaining, as they dusted the
dirt off their homegrown organic carrots, that “Bush did it for oil,” as though
that’s a bad thing in itself. If America and other countries are playing a part
in regime change now, they’d sure better be doing it transparently for oil,
resources, and other financial reasons, if only because they aren’t in a
position to pass up such opportunities in a downturn economy.
You never hear critics complain about Russia, China, and other Socialist or
Communist governments exploiting business opportunities wherever business might
be found. Leftists wail about American or Western imperialism, while granting a
pass to Russia for building Iran’s uranium-powered nuclear reactors. That’s
because in the leftists' minds, an imperialist can only be American, British, or
European, much like a racist can only be Caucasian. It’s time to shed the shame
and guilt.
According to various reports, the Chinese economy could surpass or even double
America’s sometime between 2020 and 2030. The Chinese are constantly scouring
the world for raw materials to maintain their industrial output, while their
state-owned investment firms are looking to gobble up opportunities and—in the
process—power and influence everywhere in the world. Russia has adopted the same
mentality—buying back the power it lost in the Ukraine during the 2004
pro-Western Orange Revolution by funnelling cash into mining and production
investments through oligarch investors close to the Kremlin. Everyone knows that
in Russian business, the rouble stops with ex-intel chief Vladimir Putin. These
countries understand that the field of play covers the entire planet—not just a
patch within their own borders. They transparently play Communist on home turf,
and capitalist at away games. That’s how they’ve adapted to compete in the
post-Cold War economy.
While Obama is besieged by his domestic challenges, he can’t afford to ignore
the opportunities that exist abroad. Particularly because, as America learned
with post-WWII Japan, moral influence often follows in the wake of economic
influence. Unrest and regime change in Africa provide a window for Americans to
explore their options and partnerships with new, we hope, more pro-Western
leaders in the region, to consider deals related to everything from mining to
defence and security. The last time this happened, President George W. Bush and
his administration were criticized as “war profiteers” and dismissed as having
gone to the trouble of doing the bidding of Big Oil and Blackwater. As rational
adults, we ought to be able to hold two thoughts in our minds simultaneously
without all the ideological hysteria and finger-pointing: Dictators and
autocrats being deposed is a good thing. And the inevitable business and
economic window that opens in the wake of social unrest may also be a positive
development worth exploring. But how can big American businesses compete on a
global playing field with state-run companies and all their government-funded
In France, the relationship between the government and industry is so tight that
the French president is expected to lay out business opportunities for
corporations—including some in which it holds shares—during his foreign visits.
In America, that kind of thing tends to understandably make people nervous
because they like to see a clear separation of government and business. But when
the U.S. government is bailing out corporations and propping up Wall Street with
taxpayer money, it’s probably fair to ask if such a separation really exists
If the U.S. government isn’t actively looking for opportunities for its
country’s business interests, then geopolitical and geoeconomic strategists—many
of whom are former state intelligence officers—are doing just that on behalf of
these companies. But they’re at a disadvantage when up against foreign companies
backed by the resources of an entire state superpower. This is where the
anti-imperialists go wrong in their logic—figuring that if a blind eye is turned
to an opportunity in the interest of some higher ideological cause, then the
market won’t pick up the slack. To cite a tangible, current example: If Obama
neglects to lobby for a major port security contract on behalf of American
companies during his holiday in Brazil, it’s not going to stop corporations all
over the world from doing so—including those that are owned and run by foreign
governments, with all the advantages of these governments’ resources, contacts,
and intelligence services—and ultimately creating wealth and opportunity for
non-American interests.