Millennials offer new hope in the fight to reclaim democracy
By: Rachel Marsden
PARIS -- Why has real democracy become so elusive in developed nations? Sure,
you can still vote and feel as if you have some kind of say, but genuine
democracy is getting further and further out of reach. The current climate in
Europe should serve as a warning to America about what lies ahead if U.S.
citizens don't reclaim power by choosing the anti-establishment candidate,
Donald Trump, in November's presidential election.
Hungary held a referendum last weekend on whether to allow the European Union to
impose migrant quotas on the country in an effort to resettle millions of
refugees from the Middle East. According to the Associated Press, about 98
percent of voters rejected the imposition, but because fewer than half of
Hungary's voters cast a ballot, the referendum is considered invalid. Even if
the requisite 50 percent had shown up to vote, a 1964 decision of the European
Court of Justice set a precedent establishing the supremacy of EU law over the
laws of member nations. As a result, any anti-democratic quotas imposed on
Hungary by European governance can't even be canceled out by the overwhelming
popular vote of Hungarians.
The only way for an EU country such as Hungary to maintain national sovereignty
is to officially escape the European straitjacket, just as Great Britain did
earlier this year with the Brexit vote. But elected representatives are loath to
give their people that kind of democratic freedom.
At least two of the conservative candidates in France's presidential primary,
former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and former Prime Minister Francois
Fillon, are calling for a referendum on merely "reformatting" Europe. In other
words, the elites want to set up a false dichotomy under the pretext of
democratic choice. Voters would get to choose whether they're satisfied with
Europe in its current state, or if they want the same elites who made a mess of
things in the first place to have another chance to make a different mess.
French President Francois Hollande has said that the next presidential election
is a referendum in itself, so there's no need to have a referendum dealing
specifically with France's relationship to the European Union. But Hollande's
position on this could be risky for the establishment.
If the issues of cultural and societal preservation, establishment cronyism and
the erosion of democracy become more important to French voters than the choice
between ideological right and left, then French voters are really left with only
one electoral choice: Far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen is the only
serious candidate who has promised a Brexit-style referendum if she wins the
French presidency in May. French elites are betting that voters won't dare to
vote for a far-right party in order to escape the clutches of the European
Union. It's quite a gamble.
Is it any wonder that so many millennials in Europe and elsewhere are veering to
the far right? In France, the National Front has the largest and most active
youth membership of all the big parties. These young people are rejecting
establishment arrogance and the "progressive" values of their parents that have
long been destroying their countries.
We're also seeing growing support of the anti-establishment far right in North
America -- a backlash that has been building for a long time.
When I was barely out of school in the early 2000s, trying to carve out a niche
as a conservative voice in a North American media landscape dominated by the
left, I felt that the leftist buzzwords being bandied about reflected social
engineering on a massive scale. The counterculture generation had come to power
and were peddling the notion that society needed fixing because it was too
sexist, too intolerant, not diverse enough and just simply too unfair.
The establishment foisted these views and this way of thinking onto society and
made it an offense to deviate from the left-wing point of view. If you didn't
conform, you were marginalized.
Some of us checked out of the system altogether to forge an independent path and
have been waiting decades for the pendulum to swing back in our favor. The
cavalry has finally arrived, and it's made up of our critics' own children.